Relationships in 30s & beyond…
Relationships in late 30s need a lot of time investment. Both, the girl and the guy are used to living their lives in a certain way and with certain people. Each one needs to find their place in each other’s lives- not be demanding that either leave the people who have stood like a rock for them to make the place for each other.
In late relationships usually both the guy and the girl are well settled professionally in their own ways. These marriages are not for money or for financial dependencies, these are for emotional support.
In late relationships usually both the guy and the girl are well settled professionally in their own ways. A guy should get into it understanding that the girl could be doing far better than him- if this is going get his male ego to flare up, rethink!
Late marriages are all about “I for her” and “she for me”- they demand effort. If a guy or a girl have been on their own all this while, they are pretty much used to carrying on the same way- if you can’t cross mountains for each other and make each other feel special- don’t get into it.
People who have been single for too long suffer the “mine syndrome” she is mine, the house is mine etc- let your partner be free so that they want to come back to you.
Relationships in 30s & beyond… was originally published in andwemet on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.